Showing posts with label Boulder. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Boulder. Show all posts

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Pat and Gene Sawhill

Pat and Gene Sawhill, owners of the Sawhill Ranch, Boulder, Colorado.                                       
Still so active in their 70's and 80's respectively; cutting hay, selling the beef, eggs and other goods from the ranch. Gene's family homesteaded this place back in the 1800's and they           continue the agricultural legacy that their family has practiced for over a hundred years.          
This area was once an independent town known as "Valmont." Word has it folks from the upstart town of Boulder snuck in one night in the early 1900's and hijacked the printing press to establish their own newspaper (proving that knowledge, or in this case, the ability to disseminate information is indeed "power"). It was downhill from there for old Valmont. There's still the ancient one room schoolhouse standing and a few rusty train cars docked on some derelict tracks nearby but, unfortunately for Valmont, the game was over before they had a chance to really prove who they were.                                      The Keeter family, who live nearby, operate a trucking business (and, of course are related to Gene) are proud holdouts for Valmont. They operate a fleet of trucks, a few of which sport the name of  their business on the truck doors say "Keeter Trucking- Valmont, Colorado" even though the town was unincorporated years ago.                                                          
It's haying time and Gene has been out all hours cutting and baling for the long winter month's feed supply for their cattle.                                                                                                                    
This is America, this is how we have done it for generations and we're damn proud of it; The Sawhill Ranch.   
By the way, that's Strawberry and L'il Bit in Pat's lap- the ranch dogs.         

Monday, May 27, 2013

Welcome to the Dog Star Ranch

Welcome to the Dog Star Ranch. Home of Lucy, Grace, Ruby, Ringo, Pearl, oh, and me! 
I will attempt to document our time living in "The Starship" Airstream trailer on our ranch outside of Boulder, Colorado.
Life is good here and we try and live with a purpose running full throttle as often as possible (except, of course, when we're just chillin').
Please, feel free to check in and see what's up with the characters around us- it definitely is a world unto itself!

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Dude

Jeff Bridges channeling "Bad Blake."

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Rockin' at the Fox!

If I was to recommend a band to you, would you go see them? Would you at least watch one of their videos on YouTube? If you possibly can, go and see 'Fitz and the Tantrums.' I know its a dumb name. If you can move beyond that, I absolutely guarantee you will come away with a big smile on your face from dancing your little pitootee off. Go ahead, take a chance, before they get too big!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Aerial Mulching

Four Mile Fire burn zone mulching by helicopter. Picking up 1-4 tons of hay mulch at a time, ferrying it to denuded hillsides and dropping to stave off erosion when/if the spring rains come. Randy and Clint, crack pilots navigate canyon crosswinds, power lines and FAA guidelines NOT to fly over houses with their cargo dangling thirty feet below them. Here a Vietnam era Huey is gassed up to begin another series of drops.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Saturday, June 12, 2010

St. Julien

Outside the St. Julien Hotel, Boulder, Colorado.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Friday, January 22, 2010

Flatirons Vista

Part of what Daddy does when he's not working that much! Beautiful day, playing with that new camera- pretty cool!