Friday, December 18, 2009

Lost in the Twilight

Elizabeth, my wife; deep thinker. The early winter evenings are a time for reflection and finding inner peace.
We were married once this past summer in a Hindu ceremony in Bali, Indonesia and again on a farm in Colorado in September, enabling our families to attend; both weddings were incredible.
Elizabeth and I have been friends for twenty years but lost touch  about eight years ago. Thanks to the miracle of Facebook she looked me up last January and "friended" me; "what have you been up to? Where are you?" she said. I made sure to write back right away-
"Where are you? What have you been up to?"

The clincher came when she mailed me a photo of her and Grace walking along the dunes in Martha's Vineyard; she wrote on the photo "Come walk with us." I knew right then we would always be together.

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