Saturday, December 19, 2009

Chillin' with the Chipmunks

Here I am  just hangin' with my Chipmunk homeboys. Actually, these guys were at the theater last night when we went to see "The Road" (which we both gave about a "C" grade).
I waited until I was in my mid-forties to get married, that's a long time being single. It's easy to say "I just didn't find the right girl..." and most of that is true. What it really took was finding the "perfect girl," Elizabeth was always one of my best friends, as far as I'm concerned, it's still not worth it unless you are absolutely sure, there's too much crap that get in the way otherwise; now, I am sure.

Since this blog is built around my life as a newly married  guy in his mid -forties, I have laid out the cast of characters for you- enjoy!

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