Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Mask Maker

Wood carved masks are an integral part of many Balinese ceremonies. Particularly impressive is the Topeng where a single man plays multiple characters to tell a story, donning an array of masks and costumes for each. The totality of their immersion into their roles borders on trance, where the line between actor and character does not exist, they literally become who they are playing and it is exhilarating.


It's all in the hands and in the eyes. Young girls practicing "the dance."

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I was running late for an appointment in Tampak Siring because the afternoon rains had been relentless and there was absolutely no way to ride a motor bike through the deluge. Finally, things broke, I decided to take a different route than my usual one, you know, maybe shave a few minutes off. I passed one beautiful village after another, it felt like I was entering "The Twilight Zone." This was a land untouched by time, by nuclear meltdowns, by all modernity; I felt contentment. Then I saw this guy out in a ricefield, man I was late, but damn if it wasn't the coolest, most sublime scene.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Another Green World

Water Temple, Tampak Siring. The sound of prayers resonates through the canyon walls as water gushes out everywhere- cool.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Traditional Balinese Healer

Visiting Tjokorda Rai, traditional Balinese healer. He works by opening up pathways in your energy field and allowing things to "flow" better. He can "operate" purely by pushing on your skin. Here he enables the path from my fire chakra to flow better. All day long, after this, I would surprise friends here by randomly lifting up my shirt exposing his work!